The Pastoral Care Offer is an initiative conceived of and developed by Grace Nicol and Temitope Ajose-Cutting as an enhanced offer to support the well-being and needs of dancers both inside and outside of the work. The aim of the initiative is about all stakeholders (producer, curator, choreographer, dancer etc) taking equal and mutual responsibility for each other in negotiating a shared environment. In the long term, the hope is that this work will have a lasting impact in terms of advocacy for artists, creating sustainable working practices and informing the ways in which we can, as a sector, build new working models for care. This is especially important as we transition out of the pandemic back into live performance. For further information about this initiative please read this article in Arts Professional.

Currently this work is being developed with the support of dance venues across the UK with a view to develop a network of like-minded stakeholders who can use this model in their projects. If you are interested in using this model in your work or helping to develop it, please contact Grace here.


More info coming soon…